速写板 速写板 suxieban.com 是一款在线画画网站及画图工具,支持画画、画图、画思维导图、流程图、草图、图片生成、素材导入、SVG导出等功能,支持图片制作、SVG制作等。用户可通过画笔、喷漆、插入文字、图形库、素材库及功能菜单快捷高效的画画、画图、制作并分享精美的图片等。 0210 工作效率
Superlist: Home to all your lists For team work, personal projects, and everything in between. 0150 工作效率
Raycast Raycast lets you control your tools with a few keystrokes. It's designed to keep you focused. 0250 Mac/iPhone工作效率
Things Things is the award-winning personal task manager that helps you plan your day, manage your projects, and make real progress toward your goals. 0340 Mac/iPhone工作效率
Slack Slack is a new way to communicate with your team. It’s faster, better organized, and more secure than email. 0310 办公软件协同工作
Hugging Face We’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science. 0210 协同工作工作效率
滴答清单 滴答清单,一个帮你高效完成任务和规划时间的应用,是一款拥有跨设备云同步、周期提醒、清单管理、清晰分类、协作和集成日历的应用,你可以在Web、Android、iPhone等设备上使用它。 0660 办公软件工作效率