开源导航 | 谎伴导航
本项目尽全力将网页上的内容全部通过 CF Worker 进行代理, 油管,pornxxb 可用
tl-rtc-file-tool (tl webrtc file(media) tools)
基于无障碍,高级选择器,订阅规则的自定义屏幕点击 Android 应用 | An Android APP with custom screen tapping based on Accessibility, Advanced Selectors, and Subscription Rules
Welcome to Floorp Browser GitHub Repository 👋
Vue3 + Pinia + Vite5 仿抖音,Vue 在移动端的最佳实践 . Imitate TikTok ,Vue Best practices on Mobile
An AI-powered search engine with a generative UI
Portfolio Starter Kit
Wallos: Open-Source Personal Subscription Tracker
⭐A lightweight open-source JavaScript library for obtaining The Purple Star Astrology (Zi Wei Dou Shu) astrolabe information.. 支持多语言轻量级获取紫微斗数排盘信息的javascript开源库。
Wizarr is an advanced user invitation and management system for Jellyfin, Plex, Emby etc.
纸砚 - 最好用的双拼练习工具
a very good whiteboard
「Tachiyomi」Free and open source manga reader for Android.
高清仪表盘图标(1024x1024 分辨率)
基于 Web 的健康码模拟
🚀 A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!
GitBook makes it easy to research, plan and document products, from start to ship.
a simple note app
A fast, collaborative, knowledge base for your team built using React and Node.js. Try out Outline using our hosted version at www.getoutline.com.
Blossom 是一个支持私有部署的云端存储双链笔记软件,你可以将你所有的笔记,图片,个人计划安排保存在自己的服务器中,并在任意设备之间实时同步,且基于MIT协议完全开源。
DiyFile - 一款好看的在线文件列表程序
Write gorgeous documentations for your products using Markdown inside your Laravel app.
Vue-powered Static Site Generator
Enterprise wiki for sharing knowledge
MrDoc觅思文档 - 私有化部署的在线文档系统和知识库系统
⚡️HivisionIDPhotos: a lightweight and efficient AI ID photos tools. 一个轻量级的AI证件照制作算法。
👻 A creative editor based on fabricjs. 一款基于 fabricjs 的开源创意图片编辑器,旨在让开发者快速构建属于自己的图片编辑器。可应用于海报设计、小红书公众号封面设计、banner 设计等场景。
Vue3 Watermark
Focus on prompting and generating
ACG2vec全称为Anime Comics Games to vector。本repo会持续维护一些基于二次元相关的深度学习领域实践与探索(文本语义检索、以图搜图、语义搜图等)。
代理 MidJourney 的discord频道,实现api形式调用AI绘图
node.js client for MidJourney wrapper in Discord.
Face editor for Stable Diffusion
Stable Diffusion with Core ML on Apple Silicon
Diffusion Bee is the easiest way to run Stable Diffusion locally on your M1 Mac. Comes with a one-click installer. No dependencies or technical knowledge needed.
AI 图片生成
The repository provides code for running inference with the SegmentAnything Model (SAM), links for downloading the trained model checkpoints, and example notebooks that show how to use the model.
Stable Diffusion web UI
High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models
GitHub is where over 94 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
Gitee - 基于 Git 的代码托管和研发协作平台
Codeberg is founded as a Non-Profit Organization, with the objective to give the Open-Source code that is running our world a safe and friendly home, and to ensure that free code remains free and secure forever.
We’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
Open Source Software Insight
An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library with a set of high-quality React components, one of best React UI library for enterprises
SharpWxDump 微信客户端取证
The reason you joined the Internet. Forem provides open-source tools to help you host a thriving, focused, and adaptable community.
欢迎访问 Flarum 中文站。Flarum 是一个优雅的轻论坛软件,简约界面回归社区本质。这里没有太多的条条框框规定,在这里你可以谈天说地,可以在最短的时间收
Casnode - A beautiful and simple next-generation forum software based on Go and React
Discourse is modern forum software for your community. Use it as a mailing list, discussion forum, long-form chat room, and more!
Echo — 开源社区系统
Flarum is the next-generation forum software that makes online discussion fun. It's simple, fast, and free.
Xiuno BBS开源程序交流论坛,致力于为使用Xiuno开源程序的站长提供海量的Xiuno插件,Xiuno模板,Xiuno使用交流,精准地为各位站长朋友免费提供了大量的资源文件。本站为Xiuno程序爱好者,众位站长,粉丝朋友共同建设的公益性交流论坛。
XenForo is a compelling community forum platform with a premium user experience, reliability, flexibility and security. There is no better platform upon...
开源的论坛/社区网站系统,基于 Ruby China 发展而来。
Node.js based forum software built for the modern web
Artalk | 自托管评论系统
Twikoo 文档
TiddlyWiki — a non-linear personal web notebook
AFFiNE.PRO 下一代协作知识库
免费IP离线数据库,支持IPV4+IPV6 ,国家、省、市、县、运营商
Geoip MaxMind Database for china ip list! This is also an example of generating MaxMind Database!
InternetTest is a modern connection utility for Windows. It can locate IP addresses, send ping request, recover your WiFi passwords and more!
knloop service status
kkcat-ip|一個 IP 信息查詢網頁
📖 IP CIDRs List / IP 地址列表
IP 工具箱。可以查看本机IP、挂代理后的IP信息、检查 DNS 泄露、检查 WebRTC 连接、测试网站可用性等。An alternative to ip.skk.moe service.
Whether you want to gather statistics, or you need to inspect more in depth what's going on in your network, Sniffnet will get you covered.
A Telegram bot that operates based on the Clash core
Self-hosted Speedtest for HTML5 and more. Easy setup, examples, configurable, mobile friendly. Supports PHP, Node, Multiple servers, and more
Unofficial API in Go (bypass Cloudflare 403).
unofficial Midjourney API
All in one 的 OpenAI 接口,整合各种 API 访问方式,也可作为 OpenAI API 代理使用,开箱即用
网易云音乐 Node.js API service
本系统是集工单统计、任务钩子、权限管理、灵活配置流程与模版等等于一身的开源工单系统,当然也可以称之为工作流引擎。 致力于减少跨部门之间的沟通,自动任务的执行,提升工作效率与工作质量,减少不必要的工作量与人为出错率。
✔ Free and serverless uptime monitoring / status page on Cloudflare Workers, with Geo-specific checks
A script for IP quality detection
All-in-One Insight Hub. Tianji = Website Analytics + Uptime Monitor + Server Status
High Performance Object Storage for AI
Yet another WebUI for Nginx
Handy, High performance, ModSecurity compatible Nginx firewall module & 方便、高性能、兼容 ModSecurity 的 Nginx 防火墙模块
蜜柑计划轻量级代理服务 - Lightweight proxy server for https://mikanani.me
The chatgpt api can be used for free without an account, and one-click deployment of docker.无需账号即可免费使用的chatgpt api, docker一键部署。
Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS
Real-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image/Video Restoration.
StableLM: Stability AI Language Models
Collection of handy online tools for developers, with great UX.
ChainTool 一个开源的区块链开发工具,ChainToolDAO 是一个自由参与的开发者自治组织。
KikoPlay - NOT ONLY A Full-Featured Danmu Player 不仅仅是全功能弹幕播放器
AutoBangumi - 自动追番,解放双手!
[.NET] m3u8 downloader 开源的命令行m3u8/HLS/dash下载器,支持普通AES-128-CBC解密,多线程,自定义请求头等. 支持简体中文,繁体中文和英文. English Supported.
This is the source of AVSCMS 8.2
🍰 Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more.
IDM Activation & Trail Reset Script
铜钟 (Tonzhon.com): 免费听歌; 没有直播, 社交, 广告, 干扰; 简洁纯粹, 资源丰富, 体验独特!(下载功能已恢复, 密码重置功能暂时下线)
基于 SpringBoot 的开源超简洁音乐播放器
[秋城落叶] 音乐源无损歌曲下载
🎉 一个简约的在线音乐播放器,支持网易云音乐账号登录,逐字歌词,下载歌曲,展示评论区,音乐频谱,音乐云盘及歌单管理,移动端基础适配
LightPicture - 企业/团队图床系统
简单图床 - 一款功能强大无数据库的图床 2.0版
❤️ 一个简单图床工具 🖼
🔍 发现导航 , 打造最强静态导航网站(支持SEO) | Discovery Navigation: A purely static, powerful navigation website that supports SEO and online editing
六零导航页 (LyLme Spage) 致力于简洁高效无广告的上网导航和搜索入口,使用PHP+MySQL,支持后台添加链接、自定义搜索引擎,沉淀最具价值链接,全站无商业推广,简约而不简单。
🔗 A curated list of awesome url shortener
Free Modern URL Shortener.
时钟 Clock (WEB)
恐龙快跑!(T-Rex Runner) 是 Chrome 浏览器在离线时出现的小游戏彩蛋.你可以断开网络后,在 Chrome 进入任意链接看到这个游戏.
基于 BroadcastChannel 项目将 Telegram Channel 转为微博客网站
A lightweight, self-hosted friendly RSS aggregator and reader
AdGuard Home 是一款全网广告拦截与反跟踪软件。在您将其安装完毕后,它将保护您所有家用设备,同时您不再需要安装任何客户端软件。随着物联网与连接设备的兴
Website with ads, analytics trackers, metrics, error catchers. Check your blocker: AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, AdGuard, Ghostery, uBlock Origin, AdBlocker Ultimate…
Test Ad Block - Toolz
适用于AdGuard的去广告合并规则,每8个小时更新一次。 个人收藏了不少广告过滤规则,但是每次往新设备添加的时候很是头疼,于是写了这个项目,定时自动获取各规则源更新,生成合并规则库。
由 Sukka 搜集、整理、维护的、个人自用的、适用于 Surge、Clash Meta (mihomo) 和 sing-box 的 Ruleset Snippet。
CLI tool for a high QPS DNS benchmark
一个 DNS 转发器
DNS-over-HTTPS proxy on Cloudflare Workers