酒店协议代码(Hotel Corporate Codes) 酒店协议代码是关于希尔顿、万豪、凯悦、洲际IHG、欧姆尼、温德姆、丽笙酒店协议代码 为企业提供的特殊折扣代码,用于以优惠价格预订酒店。公司使用这些代码为员工节省差旅费用。
携程旅行 携程旅行网是中国领先的在线旅行服务公司,向超过9000万会员提供酒店预订、酒店点评及特价酒店查询、机票预订、飞机票查询、时刻表、票价查询、航班查询、度假预订、商旅管理、为您的出行提供全方位旅行服务。
AirPano AirPano is a VR project created by a team of Russian photographers focused on taking high-resolution aerial 360° photographs and 360° video. Today AirPano is the largest virtual travel resource in the world -- by geographical coverage, number of aerial photographs, and artistic and technical quality of the images — featuring 360° panoramas and 360° videos of the highest quality shot from a bird's eye view.
Getaiway I Create Personalised Travel Plans Tell us about your trip and we'll instantly create a travel plan for you, using AI.
天气预报 天气网提供全国及世界各大城市天气预报查询以及历史天气查询,实时天气查询,准确提供一周天气预报查询及未来天气预报15天,30天,40天,7天,10天,未来十五天天气查询,并且为用户提供生活指数、健康指数、旅游攻略、交通出行、空气质量指数,及各类天气预报和生活资讯。