Sketchsheets Sketchsheets is an open source project dedicated to providing free printable templates of the latest devices and platforms for wireframing designs.
微词云 微词云是一款实用性强、简单的在线文字云、在线词云图生成器,相对于其他产品,我们的产品功能更加强大,不仅支持在线分词,还支持词频统计、词频分析。无论您是设计、运营、学生老师、数据分析师,都可以简单的做出令人眼前一亮的文字云设计。
Milanote Milanote is an easy-to-use tool to organize your ideas and projects into visual boards. Add notes, images, links and files, organize them visually and share them with your team.
CALA CALA makes it easy to design, produce, and deliver your own fully-custom fashion products. CALA provides everything you could need. Design assistance. Material sourcing. Sampling. With powerful features like in-app notifications, task management, and real-time commenting — so you can maximize productivity in the studio or on the go.