free-chatgpt The chatgpt api can be used for free without an account, and one-click deployment of docker.无需账号即可免费使用的chatgpt api, docker一键部署。 0290 代理/反代
隐藏字符加密 基于零宽字符和摩斯电码的隐藏文本加密 || Text hiding encryption、Morse code encryption、zero-width character encryption 0280 开源项目
铜钟 ( 铜钟 ( 免费听歌; 没有直播, 社交, 广告, 干扰; 简洁纯粹, 资源丰富, 体验独特!(下载功能已恢复, 密码重置功能暂时下线) 0270 音乐相关
Polyglot(外语学习) Polyglot是一款多平台的桌面端应用程序,基于ChatGPT和Azure人工智能语言模型作为底层服务,提供一个易于使用的语言练习平台,方便进行多语种的口语练习 0270 开源项目
一套轻量级紫微斗数排盘工具库 ⭐A lightweight open-source JavaScript library for obtaining The Purple Star Astrology (Zi Wei Dou Shu) astrolabe information.. 支持多语言轻量级获取紫微斗数排盘信息的javascript开源库。 0260 开源项目
magic-copy Magic Copy is a Chrome extension that uses Meta's Segment Anything Model to extract a foreground object from an image and copy it to the clipboard. 0260 开源项目
Forem The reason you joined the Internet. Forem provides open-source tools to help you host a thriving, focused, and adaptable community. 0260 社区论坛系统
Sniffnet Whether you want to gather statistics, or you need to inspect more in depth what's going on in your network, Sniffnet will get you covered. 0240 测速/IP
UXLENS Cloud/Self hosted visitor recording to see exactly what your users experience on your website. Major chunk of conversion drops are due to UI issues and we help you discover them. 0240 开源项目